
 Omniscience  ·  Omnipresence  ·  Omnipotence  ·  Other Divine Lilas  ·  Mahasamadhi Lila  ·  After Mahasamadhi  
Divine Reality



Feeding the Children  »  On the Path to God  »  A Devotee's Sentiments  »  A Lie  »  Unexpected Darshan  »  What Name?  »  A Rupee From a Poor Man  »  Baba's Blessings  »  Replies to Unasked Questions  »  It Is All a Show  »  A Future In the Hills  »  M.D. Not D.M.  »  On Meditation  »  A Son's Transformation  »  All Will Be Set Right  »  Repayment of a Loan  »  The Court's Decision  »  His Body Is Worn Out  »  A Six-month Wait  »  A Promotion Foretold  »  Darshan After Twenty Years  »  A Transfer Cancelled  »  Two More Children  »  Ordinary Problems  »  Whereabouts of a Missing Person  »  Three Sons  »  Fail-Pass  »  She Won't Marry  »  Baba's B.D.O. Daughter  »  Hidden Devotion  »  The Magic of Speech  »  Proposal Accepted By the Government  »  The Destined Proposal  »  It Will Not Be Done  »  Speculation In Gold  »  An Unexpressed Desire Fulfilled  »  Interrupted Samadhi  »  One Ailment, Different Treatment  »  You Will Be I.G.  »  A Desire For Halwa  »  No Discrimination  »  Bhushan's Promotion  »  Not By This Bus  »  A Desire Fulfilled  »  A Twofold Blessing  »  Freed From Worry  »  An Unusual Way of Showing Grace  »  An Unexpected Visit  »  Peace In the Family  »  Peace to a Restless Mind  »  A Grudge Against Baba  »  The Significance of His Command  »  His Words Came True  »  An Opportunity to Serve  »  Seasonal Fruit  »  Disregarding Baba's Instructions  »  A Warning  »  Not to Marry  »  Resisting Baba's Influence  »  The Consequence of Disobedience  »  Roadside Darshan  »  Cook Again  »  Giving a Test  »  Testing Maharaj  »  Go, the Test Is Over  »  He Knew Everyone  »  Peace and Comfort Beyond Imagination  »  Go Away From Here  »  Present On Call  »  Prasad For Tewari  »  Exam Results  »  The Last Exam  »  Awakening India  »  Dr. Bhonsle

Maharaj ji's appearance had a childlike innocence. He welcomed people openly, and they in turn talked freely with him. If someone requested Baba to speak, he would feign ignorance and say he didn't know anything; he directed his words to individuals rather than groups. Likewise, displays of knowledge or oratory did not impress Baba, who said that even the children in India were proficient at this. He called lectures or sermons the gymnastics of words and said, "Whatever we experience through the mind and the senses is not the truth."

Baba's knowledge, like the great prophets, Christ, Kabir, Ramakrishna, Mohammed, and St. Peter, encompassed universal truths far deeper than academic knowledge. Living in a simple manner among ordinary people, Baba taught by his own conduct and caused an awakening in them. The past, present, and future were all within Baba's vision, but it was only through his lila that one could catch a glimpse of his vastness. As described in the accounts that follow, Maharaj would see into the minds and hearts of people, and reading their innermost thoughts, use his power to relieve suffering, inspire faith, and fulfil desires.

The Removal of Doubt

In May 1944 I had Maharaj's darshan for the first time at a house in Blunt Square, Lucknow. Upon returning from my office, I found that members of my family were getting ready to go and see Baba. He had just arrived in the neighborhood, and they asked me to accompany them. I did not know Baba then, and while I always secretly gave reverence to those wearing sadhu's clothing, I generally kept myself apart from them because I could not tell the difference between a real holy man and a fake. I did not agree to go with them because I would not be able to offer salutation openly to Maharaj, and since this meeting was in a neighbor's home, I felt this would be disrespectful to all. Somehow I also felt bad that I did not go or even make an effort to find out who the baba was.

When everybody had gone, I sat and meditated on Baba. I told him about my inner conflict and asked him to either send for me or come to my house and give me darshan. I told him I knew that he could do this if he was a saint. At that very moment, in my neighbor's house, Baba asked my sister, "Where is your brother? Why has he not come here?" She tactfully replied that I had just returned from my office and was at home. Baba commanded her, "Go and fetch him. Bring him here." I was surprised when my sister arrived and told me all that had happened. It removed my doubt, and I went at once and bowed at Baba's feet in reverence. He turned his eyes away from me immediately. He did not say anything to me. He got up and went away with another neighbor, Gargi Datt Mishra, to his house. All the others followed him, and I came back home alone and upset.

I again meditated on Baba and prayed to him to come to my house and give me darshan. After a short while I saw Maharaj coming to our house with some other devotees. We welcomed him, and he lay on a takhat (wooden bed), talking to everyone as I massaged his feet. Though I was quite eager to talk to him, he did not look towards me. He then got into a car and left. Baba had fulfilled all my preconditions, but I still could not get peace of mind. How could I? My uneasiness was the ugly consequence of testing a sidhatma (spiritually elevated soul).

Eight years later I again had Baba's darshan, this time in Tagore Town, Allahabad. I felt that the long wait was my penance. Holding me by the hand this time, he took me outside, and in a secluded place he started humming, "Ramahi keval prem piyara." [The only thing that is dear to Ram is love.] Indeed, the only access to Baba is through love.

Baba's holding the hand of someone had its own significance. It meant that he had accepted that person. I have been closely associated with my beloved and revered Baba ever since then, and sometimes he gratified us by coming to our home.

