
 Omniscience  ·  Omnipresence  ·  Omnipotence  ·  Other Divine Lilas  ·  Mahasamadhi Lila  ·  After Mahasamadhi  
Divine Reality


An Unexpected Visit

I practice homeopathy from my home, and patients with chronic diseases would occasionally come to me and tell me that Baba Neeb Karori had sent them for treatment. I attended them, and they would be cured. It surprised me to notice that my medicines worked better on the patients sent by Baba than on other patients. I did not know Baba, nor had I ever seen him. Although I had a keen desire to meet him, it was not possible for me to leave my work to look for him.

One day a robust man with bare feet entered my room when his turn came. He was wearing a dhoti and had a blanket wrapped over his shoulder. Without any formal introduction, he stood before me. When I asked him what his problem was, he told me that he had a burning sensation in the palms of his hands. I asked him a few questions to help with the diagnosis, but he did not give specific answers and then said, "Give me any medicine that comes to your mind." I was rather disturbed by this and asked him to report back to me on the fourth day. He said, "What will this small quantity of medicine do? Give me a larger quantity. I am going away and will not come back." Then he asked the man who was with him to give me twenty rupees. From his appearance and his way of talking, I guessed that he was a sadhu baba. Being busy at the time, however, it did not come to my mind that he might be Baba Neeb Karori. I filled a bottle with the medicine and gave it to him. In spite of my saying that I did not charge sadhus for medicines, the man with him put two ten-rupee notes on my table. They took the medicine and left. I immediately put that money in the charity box.

The next patient entered the room. After the usual exchange of greetings, he said to me, "Do you know the man who just went out of your room?" When I said that I did not, he told me that it was Baba Neeb Karori. I was stunned that such a great being had sat waiting for his turn two hours. My conscience pricked me, for I did not show him due respect because of my ignorance. I went outside to look for him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

-Dr. Brahma Swarup Saxena, Allahabad
