A Tiger's Darshan After my graduation from Allahabad University, Baba got me appointed as manager of Kehar Singh ji's farm in Rudrapur, Nainital. One day I went to Rampur for some work, and while I was returning to the farm through a grassy stretch of land, I saw a tiger, a tigress, and a cub coming from the opposite direction. I stood stock-still. I did not have any weapon with me for my protection. I could not even run away. As they were coming towards me, all of a sudden the tiger turned to one side and the tigress to the other, and the cub began to smell my body. I was terrified. Meanwhile the tigress growled and holding the cub between her teeth, dragged it away.
At that time Baba was staying at the house of Jamuna Dutt in Allahabad. A friend of mine who lived in the nearby university hostel went to see Baba. During their conversation Baba asked him about me and immediately made him write me a letter saying, "Don't be afraid of lions or tigers. They also come to meet good souls." It was the divine power of the omnipresent Baba that protected me from that perilous situation.
-Jagdish Chandra Pande, Nainital