The Ganga Gives Shelter Maharaj was surrounded by about two hundred devotees at Sarsaiyya Ghat in Kanpur when Panwar, Deputy Superintendent of Police, and Govind Chandra, Senior Superintendent of Police, arrived and requested Baba to see Gulzarilal Nanda and Lal Bahadur Shastri, for they wanted to have his darshan. In spite of Baba saying that he would not be able to meet them, the two police officers brought them to the ghat. Before Nanda and Shastri arrived, however, Baba disappeared. Nobody saw him go or knew where he went. A search was made for him, but he was nowhere to be found. The same evening I saw Baba at the railway station and asked why he did not want to give darshan to Nanda. Baba said, "Instead of coming by himself, he wanted to come escorted by the police." When asked where he had hidden himself, Baba answered, "The Ganga Mai [Ganges River] gave me shelter." In gratitude to Mother Ganga, he asked me to arrange a bhandara. Before I could make the arrangements, people started arriving with food and sweets for prasad, and a bhandara was held.
-Bhagwati Sevak Bajpai