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Divine Reality


Roses Cure High Blood Pressure

In 1972 Jeevan Chandra Gurrani got ready to return to Haldwani after having Baba's darshan in Vrindavan. While he was taking leave, Baba gave him two roses. Jeevan Chandra ji kept those flowers carefully, though he did not understand why Baba had given them to him. He purchased a direct train ticket to Haldwani but changed his mind on the way, stopping at Bareilly so that he could meet his relative Dr. A.D. Bhandari. When he got there, he learnt that Sarvadaman Raghuvanshi's mother was suffering from high blood pressure and that her condition was deteriorating. Finding that this family of Baba's devotees was in distress, Jeevan Chandra ji went to see them. He took the two roses with him and gave them to Raghuvanshi's mother, saying that Baba had given them to him. She touched the roses to her forehead with great reverence and love and kept them with her. Her blood pressure immediately became normal and remained so until her death two years later. The two roses disappeared shortly after the incident.
