The Protection of a Devotee A bus driver from Nainital named Nar Singh came to Kainchi to meet Baba and remained with him for the day. It was past eleven at night when Baba permitted him to leave. He did not like the idea of walking the nineteen kilometers back to Nainital along the road, so he decided to take the route through the forest, which was only eight kilometers. He was afraid of going through the forest alone on a dark night, but he left anyway, taking long brisk steps. After some distance he saw a black dog following him. He was frightened, thinking that the dog might come from behind and bite him. Nonetheless, he continued going forward, every now and then glancing at the dog. He had forgotten all about his fears of going through the forest, and his attention was concentrated on the dog. The dog maintained a certain distance from him but followed him all the way. Reaching Nainital, he turned to see the dog again, but it had disappeared. The next day when he arrived in Kainchi for darshan, Baba said without any prompting, "That was a dog. You were unnecessarily scared. Bhairav [an aspect of Shiva] rides a dog. He had come to protect you."