Prasad For All One day in 1956 Kehar Singh ji invited Maharaj to eat at his house in Allahabad. Baba said, "I shall eat at your house tomorrow evening." When Kehar Singh ji got home, he told his wife that Baba was coming the next day and asked her to prepare food for two extra people. His wife prepared two vegetable dishes ahead of time and prepared everything for the puris in order to make them fresh later. Kehar Singh ji bought sweets from the market, and then he himself went to Sudhir Mukerjee's house in Colonelganj to escort Baba. About ten people came with them.
As soon as Baba got into the house, he asked for food. Kehar Singh ji served him a plate containing two hot puris, vegetables, and sweets. Baba said, "Serve food to all." Kehar Singh ji was in a fix, but he put nine plates and small bowls in the kitchen and told his wife what Baba had commanded. She was perturbed because it would not be acceptable if food was not served to everyone, but her husband had only asked her to cook for two people. Since there was not enough time to prepare more food, she left the kitchen in a state of helplessness. Kehar Singh ji asked their servant to cook food and start frying puris with the dough that was already there. Kehar Singh ji started serving food in the outer room. The food automatically increased to such an extent that everyone had as much prasad as they could eat. There was even food leftover for the family members.