Food For Two Fed Fifteen One day Umadatt Shukla brought Maharaj and a gentleman accompanying him from his shop in Hazratganj, Lucknow, to his house. His mother-in-law was preparing fried puris with cooked vegetables for two, and she had also brought some sweets from the market. While Shukla was serving food to Baba and the person with him in the outer room, R.K. Trivedi and his father and family arrived. Trivedi was Shukla's cousin and his father was a great devotee of Baba. Baba asked Shukla to serve food to the visitors. After everyone had dinner and left, Shukla's mother-in-law said to him that the Trivedis should also have been asked to dinner. When Shukla told her that everyone had eaten their fill before they left, she was surprised. She could not understand how twelve people were fed with the food prepared for only two, especially as there was still enough food left for the three members of the household. Really, Baba fed all.