The Operation Is Done Maharaj ji, Bhagwati Sevak Bajpai, and some other devotees went to the house of Santosh Kumar Choudhry, who had been appointed the controller of Athalton West Cotton Mill. Choudhry was not at home, so his wife received Baba and the devotees. She phoned her husband to tell him of Baba's arrival and sent a car to collect him. Tunis West, the owner of Athalton Mill, and Choudhry were in the middle of an important discussion at the time. As soon as Choudhry received the phone call, he told West that he did not appreciate the interruption and asked him the reason for it. Choudhry told West about the arrival of his guru at home and invited him along. Although West was not interested in spiritual matters, he did not say anything and accompanied Choudhry to his house.
On seeing Tunis West, Baba said to Choudhry, "Why have you brought him? He didn't even want to come." When Choudhry asked West if that was true, he said, "I was very disturbed by the interruption at the time." Baba then said, "Tell him that his wife has reached England. She has been operated upon. There is nothing to worry about. She will get well." On being told this, West said, "She was quite healthy. There was no question of her undergoing an operation." Later on, when he phoned his wife in London, he was surprised to hear that she had indeed been operated on the previous evening.