
 Omniscience  ·  Omnipresence  ·  Omnipotence  ·  Other Divine Lilas  ·  Mahasamadhi Lila  ·  After Mahasamadhi  
Divine Reality


Baba Appears

The Kumbha Mela (a large spiritual gathering) was on at Prayag. One night some sadhus from a certain ashram were talking on the bank of the Ganges. During the course of their conversation, someone mentioned Baba Neeb Karori. One sadhu said that Baba could go anywhere and that he was endowed with such powers that he could appear from wherever he might be if remembered wholeheartedly. Other sadhus were not ready to accept it as true. They argued that anyone with a bodily form would certainly take time to move from one place to another. Another sadhu pointed out that arguments would not serve any purpose; the matter would be regarded as true if Baba appeared when called, otherwise it was false. At this the sadhu stood up and called Baba loudly. When he had called several times, even he was surprised to see Baba talking to someone just near him.

-Swami Vijayananda, 'In the Steps of the Yogis'
