Mantra Initiation One snowy night in Shimla, in January 1955, Rani Girija Devi was very perturbed, for her husband, Raja Bhadri, was down with a fever. She had a vision that night in which she saw a shadow entering the house through a window. It changed itself into the form of Maharaj, who looked the same as when she had first seen him at Ramgarh, Nainital. Baba wanted to give a mantra, and she was saying that she would forget what it was if she was initiated in a dream. Then Baba woke her up and told her the mantra. She again expressed her inability to remember it because she felt sleepy. The third time Baba made her sit on the bed and giving her a pen and paper picked up from the table nearby, asked her to write down the mantra. Still very drowsy, she wrote it down and then went back to sleep. When she woke up the next morning, she saw the pen, paper, and the mantra written down in her own handwriting. Still she chants that mantra.