
 Omniscience  ·  Omnipresence  ·  Omnipotence  ·  Other Divine Lilas  ·  Mahasamadhi Lila  ·  After Mahasamadhi  
Divine Reality


Just In Time

Indradev Narayan Sahi came to Kainchi with his wife to spend some time in Baba's presence. He was delighted to have Baba's darshan, but after having prasad at the bhandara, Baba told him to return to Delhi at once. Sahi was stunned and at the same time hurt by Baba's indifferent attitude. In spite of his repeated requests, Baba did not allow him to stay saying, "Who is looking after your house? You would say later that you went to see Baba and you were robbed." Sahi explained that he had left his house in the care of his trusted servant. Baba, however, would not listen to him, and eventually he had to leave for Delhi. On arriving at his house in Delhi, he was surprised to find that his servant, who they trusted so much, had packed up all the valuables and was about to take them away. They caught him red-handed. This incident opened Sahi's eyes and moved him deeply. He realized what the lila was about and was sorry he had felt hurt when Baba told him to go.
