In the Form of an Ordinary Man On one occasion Devkamta Dixit ji decided to travel from Lucknow to his home in Kanpur by minibus. He wanted to sit in the front seat, but since a man was already sitting there, he took a seat behind him. The man looked at him and smiled. Dixit ji did not understand the reason for his smile and thought that the man might have guessed his desire to sit in the front seat. When the bus was about to start, the man left his seat and got out of the bus. Dixit ji immediately occupied the seat in order to reserve it for him. On the way to Kanpur the bus met with an accident on a bend. Four of five people died and many more were injured. Dixit ji only received a minor injury on his head. He was given first aid in the hospital and then discharged. The man who was sitting in the seat that Dixit ji had originally occupied was dead. Dixit ji firmly believed that Baba was the man who provided him with his seat and thus saved his life.