A Bad Habit Dropped Effortlessly An American woman came to India in search of a guru. She became associated with some sadhus and spent her time smoking charas (hashish) in their company. She squandered all her money. One day while roaming about from place to place, she was walking along Parikrama Marg, Vrindavan, in front of Baba. Baba took pity on her and arranged for her boarding and lodging in his ashram. He also occasionally produced charas for her by rubbing his hands. Later Baba made arrangements to send her back to America. When she was leaving, Baba said to her, "You will not smoke charas any more."
In 1984 this same woman returned to Kainchi with her son and stayed many days. She told the devotees in the ashram that it was due to Baba's power of inspiration that she had had no desire to smoke charas since the day that he commanded her not to smoke. She got rid of the habit without making any effort to do so. She brought her son for darshan of Baba's murti, hoping that his life would also be reformed. He was addicted to drugs in America and did not lead a productive life. In 1985 the woman returned alone and said that since her son had had darshan of Maharaj's murti, there had been a change in his life. He had begun earning his living.