
 Omniscience  ·  Omnipresence  ·  Omnipotence  ·  Other Divine Lilas  ·  Mahasamadhi Lila  ·  After Mahasamadhi  
Divine Reality


The Appointment of My Sons

My elder son, Diwaspati, could not meet the application deadline for a job in the State Bank of India since he received the details quite late. After writing his application, he submitted it to Baba for his blessing and then sent it six weeks after the last date for submission of applications. By Baba's grace my son received permission to take the written exam, which he passed. He then had to go for an interview and asked me what I thought they would ask him. It was by Baba's power of inspiration that all the questions I told him were asked of him to the letter at the interview the next day. When the information was passed on to Baba, he said, "I have made him the manager."

A year later my younger son, Diwakar, was scheduled to interview for a post at Meerut University. Being impressed by his brother's experience, he also came to ask me what I thought they would ask. Although I had no experience in this area, I asked him a few questions just to encourage him. It was again Baba's lila that relevant answers to those questions became the basis of his success. He was selected out of thirteen suitable candidates.

