Maharaj Ji's Justice When the news of Baba's arrival in Bhumiadhar reached Nainital, Pooran Chandra Joshi and his close friends decided to go see him. All his friends left by bus but did not ask Joshi to accompany them. Joshi was hurt by this. When he went home, he was distressed. He became angry with his wife and son for no apparent reason and behaved harshly towards them. With a heavy heart he set out for Bhumiadhar alone in the rain. He did not get a bus. He met up with a laborer along the way who also wanted to have Baba's darshan, but when they arrived, they found that Baba had already left for Gathia. They eventually got a lift in a truck and went to Gathia as well.
When Joshi had Baba's darshan, Baba was indifferent to him but showered his affection on the laborer. Baba gave him food to eat and sent him off with a lot of prasad to carry home for his family. Baba said nothing for some time and then picked up a copy of Kalyan, a monthly magazine, and asked Joshi to read from it. Joshi opened the magazine to an article entitled "Anger" and read it to Baba. Baba asked him to read it five times. While he was reading it for the fifth time, he realized that he had left his house in a state of anger. After that Baba treated him as usual. Joshi's friends were not able to have darshan until later.