Two Lives Saved In the winter of 1962 Ramesh Chandra Sah's wife and daughter were sleeping in their house in Mukteshwar, Nainital. It was a cold night, coal was burning in a grate, and the doors of the room were shut. They became unconscious as the room filled up with toxic gases from the burning coal. Meanwhile Baba got a grate of burning coals brought to him in his room at Vrindavan ashram. Baba closed all the doors and windows and stayed inside. Surprised at his behavior, the devotees opened the door sometime later and found Baba in a bad state. They opened all the doors and windows and took the grate out. In a little while Baba became well, and miles away in Mukteshwar, the two women regained consciousness. When the family came to know about Baba's compassionate act on their behalf, they considered themselves blessed with the kindness Baba showered on them from such a distance.