Swallowing LSD After talking about LSD with his American devotee Ram Dass, Maharaj took three 300-microgram pills of pure LSD from him and put them in his mouth. One of these pills was plenty for an adult, but Baba consume 900 micrograms with no apparent effect. Ram Dass was surprised and thought it over for some time. At last, disbelieving his own eyes, he concluded that Baba could not have swallowed those pills.
Three years later, when Ram Dass was back in India, Maharaj asked him again for LSD and this time took 1,200 micrograms. He drank some water and then asked, "Will I become mad?" Ram Dass replied, "It could be." All of a sudden Baba's countenance changed, and he started to behave like a mad man. Ram Dass got worried and felt that he had misjudged Baba's powers, but the next moment Baba appeared to be his own self again. In a normal way he asked Ram Dass, "Is there any medicine more powerful than this one?"