She Has Come After Writing "Aum" Pooran Chandra Joshi's wife, Kamla, wanted to see Baba but did not get the opportunity because of her domestic chores. One day she told her husband of her desire to have Baba's darshan. That particular day Baba was visiting the house of Dr. Bhatt in Nainital, so Joshi suggested that she see Baba at Dr. Bhatt's house the next morning. She got up early the next day, took her bath, and then said her prayers. While she was writing "AUM" on Baba's photograph, which she kept on their puja, she thought that Baba would know what she was doing if he was an enlightened saint. After finishing her worship, she went to the doctor's house and had Baba's darshan for the first time. As she bowed to him Baba said, "She has come after writing 'AUM.'" She was surprised to hear Baba's words; it had not been in her mind to test him.