
 Omniscience  ·  Omnipresence  ·  Omnipotence  ·  Other Divine Lilas  ·  Mahasamadhi Lila  ·  After Mahasamadhi  
Divine Reality


Saving Food Expenses

Once, when Godawari Tewari was going to Kainchi to see Baba, an acquaintance of hers named Pant asked if he could accompany her. Godawari suggested that Pant eat before going. She herself did not eat anything because she wanted to have Baba's darshan before having her evening meal. Pant said, "Food is served to everyone in Baba's ashram, so let me save a day's food expenses." When they arrived for darshan, a woman was offering Baba fresh kalakand (a sweet made with milk and sugar). Baba gave some kalakand to Godawari saying, "Have prasad." He then turned to Pant and said, "You go and take prasad in the dining room. That will save you your one day's food expenses."
