
 Omniscience  ·  Omnipresence  ·  Omnipotence  ·  Other Divine Lilas  ·  Mahasamadhi Lila  ·  After Mahasamadhi  
Divine Reality


One Thousand Rupees In an Empty Purse

One day I went to Kainchi to meet Baba. I had kept some money in my purse, but after buying sweets and fruit for prasad and paying my bus fare to Kainchi, I had only five rupees left. I was very worried. If I had to spend more money on my return journey, I would have a big problem. When I went to Baba and bowed before him, he said, "You do not have money in your purse?" I replied casually, "Baba, there is enough." He said again, "Ask if you need it." I did need it, but I remained quiet because I thought it would be improper to take money from Baba. Instead of taking from a saint, money should be offered to him. On my return journey I purchased a ticket with the five-rupee note, emptying my purse. I arrived home, and later when I opened the purse, I found ten one-hundred-rupee notes in another compartment of the purse. I was amazed at this divine lila of my generous Baba.

-Shrimati Savitri Devi, Begumpul, Meerut
