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Divine Reality


The Monkey Took the Form of a Mosquito

Tularam Sah, Sri Ma, Nandan Mai, Girish, and some other devotees went from Nainital to Allahabad to have Baba's darshan. When with Baba, Tularam would sometimes recite, "The monkey took the form of a mosquito," from the Ramayana. Maybe this was a way of saying that Baba was Hanuman. One day after the distribution of the morning prasad, Baba walked across his own room and went into a small adjacent room, where he got his bed made on the floor. He said that he was not well. He also said that no one should come to see him and that he wanted to take some rest alone. He got the room closed on all sides. It was then locked on the outside, and the key was given to Tularam Sah so that the room could not be opened by anyone else.

At noon Sri Ma looked out the window and saw Maharaj ji on the road going towards Allenganj. She immediately told the others. Tularam Sah was compelled to unlock the door to see whether Baba was in the room. He was not. Tularam Sah and Girish followed Baba and saw him climbing up the stairs of Prakash Chandra Joshi's house. Joshi ji came out and welcomed everyone. Later, while food was being offered to Baba, the Mothers and other devotees arrived from Church Lane. Baba smilingly looked at Tularam and hummed, "The monkey took the form of a mosquito."
