Milk For Girish Once, Bhagwati Sevak Bajpai, Girish Chandra Joshi, and a personal assistant to a senior official were with Baba at Sarsaiyya Ghat, Kanpur, when Baba got a boat called to ferry them to a dry island in the middle of the Ganges. The assistant told Baba that it was not safe to go to the island, as bootleggers ran their illegal winemaking operation from there. Baba did not listen to him. When they approached the island, the bandits drew their guns and loudly asked who was approaching. Baba answered in a thundering voice, "Baba." By the time they reached the island, all the scoundrels were calm. Baba went to fulfil the call of nature, and after resting for some time, he said, "Girish is on a fast today. He is hungry. Go and borrow a lota full of milk from Mother Ganga and give it to him to drink." The assistant brought a lota full of Ganges water as instructed, and it turned into delicious milk, which Girish drank.