In the Guise of a Thin Sadhu Shrimati Vidya Sah used to come to Kainchi from Nainital to visit Maharaj. One day while she was sitting near him, she thought that Baba often visited the houses of his devotees in Nainital. She wished that he would come to her house, but she hesitated to ask him. Her house was in the main market, and one had to climb a narrow staircase to reach it. Seeing Baba's physique, she thought that he would not be able to climb up those steps. Baba said, "I will come to your house. Get havan [fire sacrifice] performed." She got the havan performed by the priest in the temple, and the day the final oblation was offered to the god of fire, she returned home after taking prasad. A sadhu followed her the whole way. This slightly disturbed her, yet she did not say anything to him. When she reached home, she went in through a back door, passing through the house of a Punjabi family. The sadhu followed her, but the Punjabi family scolded him and sent him away. She did not understand why he had followed her.
Many months after this incident, while she was again sitting by Baba, she remembered that Baba had told her that he would visit her house one day. She had had the havan performed as he requested, but he had not made the promised visit. Baba spoke at once, "I did follow you to your house until the Punjabi family scolded me and sent me away." Seeing no similarity between Baba and that weak, thin sadhu, she was surprised at Baba's words but did not disbelieve them. She felt full of remorse that she did not welcome him because of her ignorance.