
 Omniscience  ·  Omnipresence  ·  Omnipotence  ·  Other Divine Lilas  ·  Mahasamadhi Lila  ·  After Mahasamadhi  
Divine Reality


Go, Take Everything

The maize crop at Omkar Singh's big farm in Baharaich had just been harvested and was lying on the threshing floor. Suddenly the sky became overcast and it started drizzling. Omkar Singh became restless, for he had no means of saving that huge crop. If the rain continued, he knew that the whole crop, worth thousands of rupees, would be ruined. Whenever there were crucial moments in his life or things were beyond his control, he always remembered Baba. It had been his experience that wherever Baba might be, he would save him. So when it started raining heavily, he remembered Baba in his distress, however, when he did not see any change in the weather, he lost patience and became disheartened. Then he became angry and said, "Go, take everything." It immediately stopped raining around Singh's threshing floor but continued to rain heavily in the village.

A long time after this incident, Kehar Singh ji reminded Baba of this lila and said, "You saved Omkar Singh's crop from destruction." Like a child, Baba very humbly said, "What could I do? He had lost his self control and in anger he was shouting, 'Go take everything.'"
