A Glimpse of Ram Durbar Baba was sitting at Hanumangarh, absorbed in the recitation of the Ramayana. Many women devotees were also sitting there with their eyes closed, engrossed in the melodious recitation. A five-year-old girl was sitting in front of Baba, looking at him without blinking, while the chapter called Uttarkand was being read. She clearly saw the details of Ram's coronation playing like a film on Baba's chest. At the part of the story where it says, "First of all, the saint Vashistha marked Ram's forehead with vermilion and then permitted all the Brahmins to do so," Ram's image was obscured by the arrival of the saint Vashistha and all the other Brahmins who stood up to bless Ram. The girl cried out in anguish. Everyone looked at her. Baba at once picked her up, put her on his lap, and soothed her. Later, while the women were going home, they asked her why she had cried out so loudly. She did not understand the singing but told them in detail what she had seen on Baba's chest. She told them she had cried because a sadhu with a long beard and jata (matted hair) and some others had stood in front of Ram, so she was not longer able to see his beautiful face.