Continuous Recitation of the Ramayana The non-stop recitation of the Ramayana was being held in the house of a railway officer, Hem Chandra Joshi, near Prayag station in Allahabad, and many of Baba's local devotees were participating by chanting it together. After the completion of Uttarkand (the seventh and final chapter of the Ramayana), aarti was performed. Prasad was being distributed when Sudhi Mukerjee's nephew arrived and told them that Baba had come to Church Lane. After taking prasad, all the devotees went to have Baba's darshan.
Baba had just returned from his journey to the South with Sri Ma and some other devotees. The devotees who had journeyed with Baba were talking excitedly about a new experience they had just had. When their train was about two hundred kilometers from Allahabad station, Baba ordered that a window be opened. As soon as it was open, they all heard the beautiful sound of the chanted Ramayana. There were many harmonious voices accompanied by musical instruments. Everyone thought that it must have been organized in a local village. They listened to the recitation of Uttarkand for some time. Meanwhile the train traveled many miles, but there was no change in the sound of the Ramayana. Baba told them to shut the window and the sound stopped. Some time passed and Baba got them to open the window again. They heard the recitation of the Uttarkand in the same melody once again. This lila of Baba's continued until Allahabad, and everyone enjoyed the singing. When someone asked Baba where the Ramayana was being recited, he did not reply. On their arrival at Church Lane, the devotees traveling with Baba were surprised to learn that recitation had been organized at the house of his devotee in Allahabad.