
 Omniscience  ·  Omnipresence  ·  Omnipotence  ·  Other Divine Lilas  ·  Mahasamadhi Lila  ·  After Mahasamadhi  
Divine Reality


Baba's Will Prevailed

Maharaj addressed the murti at the Hanuman temple in Rambag, Allahabad, as "Controller General." One day Sri Ma was at the temple with Maharaj and saw an old woman climbing the stairs with great difficulty to have the darshan of Hanuman, who was on the first floor. She felt great pity for the woman and drew Baba's attention to her. Baba asked the manager, "Why cannot Hanuman ji come down? Mothers find it difficult to go up the stairs." The manager and the priest of the temple knew Baba, but the manager said that since the murti had been installed upstairs, nothing could be done about it. Baba heard this and left. He had only asked a question, but God's will is supreme and must be materialized. Shortly thereafter it rained so heavily that the back portion of the old temple, where the murti had been installed, collapsed. The rest of the temple remained intact and undamaged. When the back walls collapsed, the murti descended to the ground floor in a standing position, as if Hanuman ji had been carefully placed there. The murti was not damaged at all. Keeping Hanuman ji there on the ground floor, the whole temple was reconstructed around him.
