
 Omniscience  ·  Omnipresence  ·  Omnipotence  ·  Other Divine Lilas  ·  Mahasamadhi Lila  ·  After Mahasamadhi  
Divine Reality


Baba's Saving Grace

Suraj Narayan Mehrotra's son fell from the upper story of their house in Lucknow and was badly hurt with severe internal injuries. The doctors treated him as best as they could, but his condition deteriorated. Shrimati Mehrotra was worried and remembered Baba. He was at Church Lane in Allahabad at the time, and some devotees were busy preparing his meal. Suddenly Baba got up and wanted to leave. Despite the earnest request of the householders, Baba would not stay for his food. He said, "The condition of my son is bad. I am not going to have my food now." He went out alone and in an instant arrived at Mehrotra's house in Lucknow. Baba asked for milk, drank some of it himself, and soon improved, and he eventually regained his health.
