Ram's Name Inscribed On Trees On one occasion many devotees traveled to Chitrakut by bus. Having visited Chitrakut, Hanuman Dhara, Anusuiyya, Sphatik Shila, and other places during the day, they began their return to Allahabad. At Kamtanath, Baba sent all the devotees to see the Ramkullu trees (trees under which Lord Ram rested), and he himself stayed at the car. The devotees were surprised to see the name of Ram inscribed on the leaves and branches of those trees. On their return they expressed their amazement to Baba, who said, "I will accept it to be true if Ramesh endorses it." Sri Ma's son Ramesh was sceptical by nature. He went there and observed those trees in minute detail. He also scraped a piece of bark from one of the trees and examined it. He was surprised to see the name of Ram inscribed even underneath the peeled bark.