Nobody Will Retire You The late Devi Prasad Pande was working as an electrician on daily wages at Government House, Nainital, when the Public Works Department offered him a contract on a monthly salary. He was asked to submit his CV, some documents from a recognized institution, and authentic proof of age. He had not taken the matriculation exam, which mentions the date of birth and is considered correct for all official purposes. He submitted his horoscope instead, which showed that only two years remained before he was fifty-eight, the age of retirement. He was very worried, thinking he would get a reduced pension and have to leave his government accommodation. He could see no solution to the problem. Baba came to his house, and when Pande told him about the problem, Baba said to him, "Do not worry. Nobody will retire you." The CV and documents were accepted, but his horoscope was not accepted as proof of his age. Instead, he was asked to submit a certificate of age from the civil surgeon. The civil surgeon assessed his age as forty-two years. Consequently he worked up to the age of seventy-two and died before his retirement.