Harpal Singh Omkar Singh wanted his friend Harpal Singh, Deputy Commissioner, Lucknow, to meet Baba. Harpal Singh, however, had no desire for Baba's darshan. On a visit to Lucknow, Omkar Singh came to know that Baba was at Suraj Narayan Mehrotra's house. Omkar Singh went straight there to meet Baba and requested that he go with him to Harpal Singh's house. Baba agreed, and he, Omkar Singh, and Umadatt Shukla left together. When they arrived, Omkar Singh made Baba and Shukla sit in the living room and then went to find Harpal Singh.
Harpal Singh did not show Baba any respect. On the contrary he felt insulted when Baba addressed him informally as "tu" (informal form of "you") and got angry. He said to Omkar Singh, "Take this uncivilized man out. Where have you brought this nuisance from?" Hearing this abusive language directed at Baba, Omkar Singh got excited and put his hand on his revolver. Baba immediately held his hand and scolding him, went towards the car. Praising the man who had insulted him, Baba said, "He is a yogi. You don't understand, he is a yogi." After this incident, Harpal Singh's temperament changed day by day. A few months later, when Swami Kartikeya, a disciple of a saint named Oriya Baba, came to live on the banks of the Gomti River for the four months of the rainy season, Harpal Singh became his disciple. He went to his guru's hut every morning and attended to him.
Harpal Singh later became the commissioner of Lucknow. After his retirement he was reappointed to the Officer's Training School, Allahabad, where he died of a heart attack. During his last days he was always cheerful. His friends and the doctors and nurses were all surprised at his attitude. The doctors and the patient knew that death was imminent. Even then Harpal Singh recited couplets from the Gita relating to the soul. He gave such an example of detachment that he did not turn to the members of his family even at the last moment of his life. At the time of Harpal Singh's death, Baba was in Nainital. With tears in his eyes, Baba said to one of his devotees, "Harpal is gone. He has become one with me today." By calling him a yogi, he made him a yogi in reality.