Bhagwan Singh's Dream On one occasion Sri Ma and Sri Jivanti Ma were staying at Chattisgarh, Vrindavan, and Bhagwan Singh, who was a young boy then, was in attendance. The construction of Baba's Vrindavan ashram was in progress, and Baba occasionally visited the place. One day both the Mothers were going to the ashram by rickshaw, thinking that Baba may have come. Bhagwan Singh was sitting at their feet on board, telling them about the dream he had had the previous night. He said that Baba had made him wear the sacred thread with his own hands, and another man was standing there holding Baba's long hair, which looked like the matted locks of a hermit.
When they arrived at the ashram, the Mothers went in by the back door and sat in the corridor near Baba's room to wait for him. Bhagwan Singh went to where Baba was sitting outside and bowed before him. Baba made him wear the sacred thread, and the pandits present recited sacred hymns from the Vedas. After that Bhagwan Singh went to the Mothers to receive their blessing. That was the fulfilment of the first part of Bhagwan Singh's dream.
Later Maharaj got up and went back to his room. From the corridor, the Mothers overheard the conversation between Baba and a devotee who was with him. The devotee was saying to Baba that he remembered very well the time when Baba's appearance was different; he had long, matted hair, and his body was bare except for the strip of bark from a banana tree. Baba was heard saying to him, "The Mothers already bother me for no reason and by saying this you are creating more problems for me." He then asked, "What was your age at that time?"
The man replied, "I was sixty years old then."
"What is your age now?"
"It is ninety-four years."
Thus, the second part of Bhagwan Singh's dream was clarified.