Shiva's Darshan Maharaj brought Devkamta Dixit ji with him from Kanpur to Varanasi and assured him that he would take him to have Vishwanath's (Lord Shiva's) darshan. Coming out of the Vijaynagaram Palace at Varanasi, Baba changed his mind, and instead of taking him to the Vishwanath temple, he took him to Gyanvapi Lane. Baba met a sanyasi (an initiated renunciant) there and talked to him for some time. Dixit ji did not understand the topic of conversation or the language they were speaking. Baba asked Dixit ji to give him four annas (Indian coins) and then asked him to fetch a particular person. No sooner did Dixit ji turn to go than he saw that person coming towards him. Dixit ji at once turned back towards Baba, but he saw neither Baba nor the sanyasi there. Then he witnessed a strange sight. It looked as if Baba was emerging from the earth.
About two years after this incident, a Bengali named Guha came to Kainchi ashram. He told Baba he had spent the nights of the last month reciting hymns to the goddess Chandi (Durga) and wanted Maharaj's permission to go to Varanasi. Baba asked him, "What will you do at Kashi?"
"I will have Vishwanath's darshan, and I will give as much alms as possible to sanyasis at Gyanvapi."
"It is mentioned in the scriptures that Lord Shiva wanders about at Gyanvapi in the guise of a sanyasi. I cannot recognize him, so I will give something to all the sanyasis."
Baba looked at Dixit ji, who was also present, as if he was reminding him of the incident that had happened two years before. He asked Dixit ji to give some money to Guha. Dixit ji realized that Baba had made him have Lord Shiva's darshan in the guise of that sanyasi and thus had fulfilled his promise.