Maharaj Ji's Handwriting In a Magazine During Navaratra in October 1984 Sarvadaman Singh, who Maharaj called Inder, was performing the religious ceremony of Shat Chandi Yagna for nine days in the yagnashala of the ashram. He had some copies of Kalyan, a monthly magazine, with him, which he intended to read in his spare time. One day when he was reading one of the magazines, he saw "Ram, Ram" written in Baba's handwriting in it. Surprised, he showed it to the other devotees, who agreed that it was undoubtedly Baba's handwriting.
During his lifetime, Baba use to go to his devotees' houses without their knowledge and write "Ram, Ram." Even after Baba's Mahasamadhi devotees find "Ram, Ram" written in his handwriting in their sacred books. Thus Baba makes his presence known.